] [
**参考文献 [#h0ddb784]
-Ahrens, H.L., '''De crasi et aphaeresi cum corollario em...
-Allen, W.S., '''Vox Graeca''' [3] (Cambridge, 1987)
- --- '''Accent and Rhythm: Prosodic Features of Latin an...
-Anthon, C., '''A System of Greek Prosody and Metre''' (N...
-Battezzato, L., `Metre and Music', in F. Budelmann (ed.)...
-Celentano M.S. (a cura di), '''Ricerche di metrica e mus...
-Christ, W. von, '''Metrik der Griechen und Römer''' (Lei...
-Clapp, E.B., `On Correption in Hiatus', [['''CPh''' 1 (1...
-Devine, A.M., and Stephens, L.D., '''Language and Metre:...
-Dihle, A., `Die Anfänge der griechischen akzentuierenden...
-Gasparov, M.L., '''A History of European Versification''...
-Gentili, B., '''La metrica dei greci''' (Messina, Firenz...
-Gentili, B., e Lomiento, L., '''Metrica e ritmica. Stori...
- --- --- '''Metrics and Rhythmics: History of Poetic For...
-Gentili, B., e Perusino, F., '''La colometria antica nei...
--Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, H., review of Gentili e Perus...
-Halporn, J.W., Ostwald, M., Rosenmeyer, T.G. (eds), '''T...
-Henrichsen, R.J.F., '''Über die sogenannten politischen ...
-Hermann, G., '''Elementa doctrinae metricae''' (Lipsiae ...
- --- '''Elementa doctrinae metricae''' (Glasgow, 1817) [...
- --- '''Epitome doctrinae metricae''' [3] (Lipsiae [Leip...
- --- '''Epitome doctrinae metricae''' [4] (Lipsiae [Leip...
-Hilberg, I., '''Das Princip der Silbenwaegung und die da...
-Jan, K. von, '''Musici scriptores Graeci''' (Lipsiae [Le...
- --- '''Musici scriptores Graeci''' (Lipsiae [Leipzig], ...
-Jeffreys, M.J., `The Nature and Origins of the Political...
-Kambylis, A., `Textkritik und Metrik', '''ByzZ''' 82 (19...
-Lachmann, K., '''De choricis systematis tragicorum graec...
-Maas, P., `Der byzantinische Zwölfsilber', '''ByzZ''' 12...
- --- '''Die neuen Responsionsfreiheiten bei Bakchylides ...
- --- '''Die neuen Responsionsfreiheiten bei Bakchylides ...
- --- '''Griechische Metrik''', hrsg. von Gercke, A., und...
- --- '''Griechische Metrik''' [2], hrsg. von Gercke, A.,...
-[[--- Lloyd-Jones, H. (tr.), '''Greek Metre''' (Oxford, ...
-Martinelli, M.C., '''Gli strumenti del poeta: Elementi d...
-Meillet, A., '''Les origines indo-européennes des mètres...
-Müller, C.F., '''De pedibus solutis in dialogorum senari...
-Müller, L., '''De re metrica''' (Lipsiae [Leipzig], 1861...
- --- '''Metrik der Griechen und Römer''' (Leipzig, 1880)...
- --- '''Metrik der Griechen und Römer''' [2] (Leipzig, 1...
- --- Platner, S.B. (tr.),'''Greek and Roman Versificatio...
-Parker, L.P.E., `Catalexis', '''CQ''' n.s. 26 (1976), 14...
-Pretagostini, R., '''Ricerche di metrica e musica greca'...
- --- '''Scritti di metrica''' (, 2011).
-Romano, C., '''Responsioni libere nei canti di Aristofan...
-Rossbach, A., und Westphal, R. (Hgg.), '''Metrik der gri...
-Schmidt, J.H.H., '''An Introduction to the Rhythmic and ...
-Schroeder, O., '''Aeschyli cantica''' (Lipsiae, [Leipzig...
- --- '''Sophoclis cantica''' (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 1907) ...
- --- '''Die Vorgeschichte des homerischen Hexameters''' ...
- --- '''Vorarbeiten zur griechischen Versgeschichte''' (...
- --- '''Aristophanis cantica''' (Lipsiae [Leipzig], 1909)
- --- '''Euripidis cantica''' (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 1910)
- --- '''Aeschyli cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 191...
- --- '''Sophoclis cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 19...
- --- '''Griechische Singverse''' (Leipzig, 1924)
- --- '''Euripidis cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 19...
-[[--- '''Nomenclator metricus''' (Heidelberg, 1929)>eLea...
- --- '''Aristophanis cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae [Leipzig], ...
-Seidler, A., '''De versibus dochmiacis tragicorum Graeco...
-Sicking, C.M.J., '''Griechische Verslehre''' (München, 1...
-Silva Barris, J., '''Metre and Rhythm in Greek Verse''' ...
-Snell, B., '''Griechische Metrik''' [4] (Göttingen, 1982).
-West, M.L., '''Greek Metre''' (Oxford, 1982)
- --- `Three Topics in Greek Metre', '''CQ''' n.s. 32 (19...
- --- '''Introduction to Greek Metre''' (Oxford, 1987)
-Westphal, R., '''Die Musik des griechischen Alterthumes'...
-White, J.W., `The Origin and Form of Aeolic Verse', '''C...
-'''OCD''' s.v. Metre, Greek (L.P.E. Parker)
#amazon(0521335558,left,Allen Vox Graeca [pbk])
#amazon(0521108594,left,Allen Accent [pbk])
#amazon(0891307354,left,Devine and Stephens)
#amazon(0198158793,left,Gasparov [hbk])
#amazon(0872202445,left,Halporn et al. [hbk])
#amazon(0872202437,left,Halporn et al. [pbk])
#amazon(0198721293,left,West Introduction)
***書誌調査(Bibliographical Research) [#uf2ce17d]
-A.M. Dale, `Greek Metric 1936--1957', '''Lustrum''' 2 (1...
-L.P.E. Parker, `Greek Metric 1957--1970', '''Lustrum''' ...
**参考文献 [#h0ddb784]
-Ahrens, H.L., '''De crasi et aphaeresi cum corollario em...
-Allen, W.S., '''Vox Graeca''' [3] (Cambridge, 1987)
- --- '''Accent and Rhythm: Prosodic Features of Latin an...
-Anthon, C., '''A System of Greek Prosody and Metre''' (N...
-Battezzato, L., `Metre and Music', in F. Budelmann (ed.)...
-Celentano M.S. (a cura di), '''Ricerche di metrica e mus...
-Christ, W. von, '''Metrik der Griechen und Römer''' (Lei...
-Clapp, E.B., `On Correption in Hiatus', [['''CPh''' 1 (1...
-Devine, A.M., and Stephens, L.D., '''Language and Metre:...
-Dihle, A., `Die Anfänge der griechischen akzentuierenden...
-Gasparov, M.L., '''A History of European Versification''...
-Gentili, B., '''La metrica dei greci''' (Messina, Firenz...
-Gentili, B., e Lomiento, L., '''Metrica e ritmica. Stori...
- --- --- '''Metrics and Rhythmics: History of Poetic For...
-Gentili, B., e Perusino, F., '''La colometria antica nei...
--Perdicoyianni-Paléologou, H., review of Gentili e Perus...
-Halporn, J.W., Ostwald, M., Rosenmeyer, T.G. (eds), '''T...
-Henrichsen, R.J.F., '''Über die sogenannten politischen ...
-Hermann, G., '''Elementa doctrinae metricae''' (Lipsiae ...
- --- '''Elementa doctrinae metricae''' (Glasgow, 1817) [...
- --- '''Epitome doctrinae metricae''' [3] (Lipsiae [Leip...
- --- '''Epitome doctrinae metricae''' [4] (Lipsiae [Leip...
-Hilberg, I., '''Das Princip der Silbenwaegung und die da...
-Jan, K. von, '''Musici scriptores Graeci''' (Lipsiae [Le...
- --- '''Musici scriptores Graeci''' (Lipsiae [Leipzig], ...
-Jeffreys, M.J., `The Nature and Origins of the Political...
-Kambylis, A., `Textkritik und Metrik', '''ByzZ''' 82 (19...
-Lachmann, K., '''De choricis systematis tragicorum graec...
-Maas, P., `Der byzantinische Zwölfsilber', '''ByzZ''' 12...
- --- '''Die neuen Responsionsfreiheiten bei Bakchylides ...
- --- '''Die neuen Responsionsfreiheiten bei Bakchylides ...
- --- '''Griechische Metrik''', hrsg. von Gercke, A., und...
- --- '''Griechische Metrik''' [2], hrsg. von Gercke, A.,...
-[[--- Lloyd-Jones, H. (tr.), '''Greek Metre''' (Oxford, ...
-Martinelli, M.C., '''Gli strumenti del poeta: Elementi d...
-Meillet, A., '''Les origines indo-européennes des mètres...
-Müller, C.F., '''De pedibus solutis in dialogorum senari...
-Müller, L., '''De re metrica''' (Lipsiae [Leipzig], 1861...
- --- '''Metrik der Griechen und Römer''' (Leipzig, 1880)...
- --- '''Metrik der Griechen und Römer''' [2] (Leipzig, 1...
- --- Platner, S.B. (tr.),'''Greek and Roman Versificatio...
-Parker, L.P.E., `Catalexis', '''CQ''' n.s. 26 (1976), 14...
-Pretagostini, R., '''Ricerche di metrica e musica greca'...
- --- '''Scritti di metrica''' (, 2011).
-Romano, C., '''Responsioni libere nei canti di Aristofan...
-Rossbach, A., und Westphal, R. (Hgg.), '''Metrik der gri...
-Schmidt, J.H.H., '''An Introduction to the Rhythmic and ...
-Schroeder, O., '''Aeschyli cantica''' (Lipsiae, [Leipzig...
- --- '''Sophoclis cantica''' (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 1907) ...
- --- '''Die Vorgeschichte des homerischen Hexameters''' ...
- --- '''Vorarbeiten zur griechischen Versgeschichte''' (...
- --- '''Aristophanis cantica''' (Lipsiae [Leipzig], 1909)
- --- '''Euripidis cantica''' (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 1910)
- --- '''Aeschyli cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 191...
- --- '''Sophoclis cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 19...
- --- '''Griechische Singverse''' (Leipzig, 1924)
- --- '''Euripidis cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae, [Leipzig], 19...
-[[--- '''Nomenclator metricus''' (Heidelberg, 1929)>eLea...
- --- '''Aristophanis cantica''' [2] (Lipsiae [Leipzig], ...
-Seidler, A., '''De versibus dochmiacis tragicorum Graeco...
-Sicking, C.M.J., '''Griechische Verslehre''' (München, 1...
-Silva Barris, J., '''Metre and Rhythm in Greek Verse''' ...
-Snell, B., '''Griechische Metrik''' [4] (Göttingen, 1982).
-West, M.L., '''Greek Metre''' (Oxford, 1982)
- --- `Three Topics in Greek Metre', '''CQ''' n.s. 32 (19...
- --- '''Introduction to Greek Metre''' (Oxford, 1987)
-Westphal, R., '''Die Musik des griechischen Alterthumes'...
-White, J.W., `The Origin and Form of Aeolic Verse', '''C...
-'''OCD''' s.v. Metre, Greek (L.P.E. Parker)
#amazon(0521335558,left,Allen Vox Graeca [pbk])
#amazon(0521108594,left,Allen Accent [pbk])
#amazon(0891307354,left,Devine and Stephens)
#amazon(0198158793,left,Gasparov [hbk])
#amazon(0872202445,left,Halporn et al. [hbk])
#amazon(0872202437,left,Halporn et al. [pbk])
#amazon(0198721293,left,West Introduction)
***書誌調査(Bibliographical Research) [#uf2ce17d]
-A.M. Dale, `Greek Metric 1936--1957', '''Lustrum''' 2 (1...
-L.P.E. Parker, `Greek Metric 1957--1970', '''Lustrum''' ...