] [
**参考文献 [#sec92227]
-Chadwick, J. (ed.), '''Linear B and Related Scripts''' (...
-Duhoux, Y., Palaima, T.G., and Bennet, J., '''Problems i...
-Evans, Sir A., '''Scripta minoa''' (Oxford, 1909). Inter...
-Galaty, M.L., Parkinson, W.A. (eds), '''Rethinking Mycen...
-Hooker, J.T. (ed.), '''Linear B: An Introduction''' (Bri...
-Lejeune, M., ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér....
-——— ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér. 2e''' (R...
-——— ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér. 3e''' (R...
-——— ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér. 4e''' (P...
-Malottke, T., '''Voralphabetische Schriftsysteme im anti...
-Palmer, L.R., '''The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek T...
-——— '''Mycenaeans and Minoans'''² (New York, 1965).
-Waanders, F.M.J., '''Analytic Study of Mycenaean Compoun...
-J. チャドウィック,大城功(訳)『線文字Bの解読』第2版(...
***文法・必携類 [#o059f177]
-Bartoněk, A., '''Handbuch des mykenischen Griechisch''' ...
-Bernabé, A., y Luján, E.R., '''Introducción al griego mi...
--José Miguel Jiménez Delgado, review of Bernabé y Luján,...
-Duhoux, Y., and Davies, A.M. (eds), '''Companion to Line...
- ——— ——— (eds), '''Companion to Linear B''', ii (Louvain...
- ——— ——— (eds), '''Companion to Linear B''', iii (Louvai...
-Morpurgo Davies, A., and Duhoux, Y. (eds), '''Linear B: ...
-Risch, E., und Hajnal, I., '''Grammatik des mykenishen G...
***辞典 [#acf7bb52]
-Aura Jorro, F. (red.), '''Diccionario micénico''' (Madri...
***研究論文 [#ua6fa067]
-Boëlle, C., '''Po-ti-ni-ja — L'élément féminin dans la r...
//-Perna, M., '''Recherches sur la fiscalité mycénienne '...
***書評 [#n2022dd1]
***国際ミュケーナイ学研究討論会紀要ほか [#k1fa3f12]
-[[Comité International Permanent des Études Mycéniennes ...
-[[CIPEM (the Comité International Permanent des Études M...
-[[History of CIPEM:https://aegeaninscriptions.org/cipem/]]
+Lejeune, M. (éd.), '''Études Mycéniennes: Actes du collo...
+'''Atti del 2° colloquio internazionale di studi Minoico...
+'''Mycenaean Studies: Proceedings of the Third Internati...
+'''Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium on Mycenaean ...
+'''Acta Mycenaea: Proceedings of the Fifth International...
+'''Colloquium mycenaeum: actes du sixieme Collogue inter...
+'''Res Mycenaeae: Akten des VII. Internationalen Mykenol...
+P.H. Ilievski, and L. Crepajac (eds), '''Tractata Mycena...
+J.-P. Olivier (éd.), '''Mykenaïka: actes du IXe colloque...
+'''Floreant Studia Mycenaea: Akten des X. Internationale...
+'''Proceedings of the 11th International Mycenological C...
+'''Colloquium romanum: Atti del 12° Colloquio internazio...
+'''Études mycéniennes 2010. Actes du 13° Colloque intern...
+'''Aegean Scripts: Proceedings of the 14th International...
+John Bennet, Artemis Karnava & Torsten Meißner (eds), ''...
+'''Atti e Memorie del 1o Congresso Internazionale di Mic...
+'''Atti e Memorie del II Congresso Internazionale di Mic...
+Studia Mycenaea. Proceedings of the Mycenaean Symposium,...
***学会詳細 [#u1dde3b2]
-1st: Colloque International sur les Textes Mycéniens, at...
-2nd: 2o Colloquio Internazionale di Studi minoico-micene...
-3rd: the "Wingspread" conference center in Racine, Wisco...
-4th: Cambridge, England, April 7-12, 1965 organized by J...
-5th: Salamanca, Spain, March 30-April 3, 1970 organized ...
-6th: Chaumont, Swizerland 7-13 September, 1975 Universit...
-7th: Nürnberg, Germany April 6-10, 1981 A. Heubeck and G...
-8th: Ohrid, Yugoslavia (FYROM) September 15-20, 1985 The...
-9th: Athens, Greece October 2-6, 1990 École française d’...
-10th: Salzburg, Austria April 30-May 6. 1995 Österrichis...
-11th: Austin, Texas, USA, 8-12 May 2000.
-12th: Rome, Italy, 20-25 February 2006.
***書誌調査 [#u3c0a70d]
-'''SMID''' ('''Studies in Mycenaean Inscriptions and Dia...
--1964? (Chadwick) [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/...
--1968? (Baumbach) [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/...
--1979 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941007]]
--1980–1981 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941...
--1984–1985 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941...
--1994–1995 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941...
***Suplementos a '''Minos''' [#s401deac]
-Emmett L. and Bennett, Jr., '''The Olive Oil Tablets of ...
Suplementos a '''Minos''', núm. 2 (Salamanca: Ediciones U...
-Pugliese Carratelli, G., '''Le epigrafi di Haghia Triada...
-Spyropoulos, T. G., Chadwick, J. y Melena, J. L., '''The...
-Melena, J. L., '''Studies on Some Mycenaean Inscriptions...
-Hooker, J. T., '''The Origin of the Linear B Script''', ...
ISBN13: 9788474810288
***叢書 [#t4c2394f]
-[[Incunabula Graeca (CNR editioni):https://www.ispc.cnr....
***その他 [#k9cfa986]
-Freo, M. del (a cura di), '''I censimenti di terreni nei...
**参考文献 [#sec92227]
-Chadwick, J. (ed.), '''Linear B and Related Scripts''' (...
-Duhoux, Y., Palaima, T.G., and Bennet, J., '''Problems i...
-Evans, Sir A., '''Scripta minoa''' (Oxford, 1909). Inter...
-Galaty, M.L., Parkinson, W.A. (eds), '''Rethinking Mycen...
-Hooker, J.T. (ed.), '''Linear B: An Introduction''' (Bri...
-Lejeune, M., ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér....
-——— ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér. 2e''' (R...
-——— ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér. 3e''' (R...
-——— ''''Mémoires de philologie Mycénienne, Sér. 4e''' (P...
-Malottke, T., '''Voralphabetische Schriftsysteme im anti...
-Palmer, L.R., '''The Interpretation of Mycenaean Greek T...
-——— '''Mycenaeans and Minoans'''² (New York, 1965).
-Waanders, F.M.J., '''Analytic Study of Mycenaean Compoun...
-J. チャドウィック,大城功(訳)『線文字Bの解読』第2版(...
***文法・必携類 [#o059f177]
-Bartoněk, A., '''Handbuch des mykenischen Griechisch''' ...
-Bernabé, A., y Luján, E.R., '''Introducción al griego mi...
--José Miguel Jiménez Delgado, review of Bernabé y Luján,...
-Duhoux, Y., and Davies, A.M. (eds), '''Companion to Line...
- ——— ——— (eds), '''Companion to Linear B''', ii (Louvain...
- ——— ——— (eds), '''Companion to Linear B''', iii (Louvai...
-Morpurgo Davies, A., and Duhoux, Y. (eds), '''Linear B: ...
-Risch, E., und Hajnal, I., '''Grammatik des mykenishen G...
***辞典 [#acf7bb52]
-Aura Jorro, F. (red.), '''Diccionario micénico''' (Madri...
***研究論文 [#ua6fa067]
-Boëlle, C., '''Po-ti-ni-ja — L'élément féminin dans la r...
//-Perna, M., '''Recherches sur la fiscalité mycénienne '...
***書評 [#n2022dd1]
***国際ミュケーナイ学研究討論会紀要ほか [#k1fa3f12]
-[[Comité International Permanent des Études Mycéniennes ...
-[[CIPEM (the Comité International Permanent des Études M...
-[[History of CIPEM:https://aegeaninscriptions.org/cipem/]]
+Lejeune, M. (éd.), '''Études Mycéniennes: Actes du collo...
+'''Atti del 2° colloquio internazionale di studi Minoico...
+'''Mycenaean Studies: Proceedings of the Third Internati...
+'''Proceedings of the Cambridge Colloquium on Mycenaean ...
+'''Acta Mycenaea: Proceedings of the Fifth International...
+'''Colloquium mycenaeum: actes du sixieme Collogue inter...
+'''Res Mycenaeae: Akten des VII. Internationalen Mykenol...
+P.H. Ilievski, and L. Crepajac (eds), '''Tractata Mycena...
+J.-P. Olivier (éd.), '''Mykenaïka: actes du IXe colloque...
+'''Floreant Studia Mycenaea: Akten des X. Internationale...
+'''Proceedings of the 11th International Mycenological C...
+'''Colloquium romanum: Atti del 12° Colloquio internazio...
+'''Études mycéniennes 2010. Actes du 13° Colloque intern...
+'''Aegean Scripts: Proceedings of the 14th International...
+John Bennet, Artemis Karnava & Torsten Meißner (eds), ''...
+'''Atti e Memorie del 1o Congresso Internazionale di Mic...
+'''Atti e Memorie del II Congresso Internazionale di Mic...
+Studia Mycenaea. Proceedings of the Mycenaean Symposium,...
***学会詳細 [#u1dde3b2]
-1st: Colloque International sur les Textes Mycéniens, at...
-2nd: 2o Colloquio Internazionale di Studi minoico-micene...
-3rd: the "Wingspread" conference center in Racine, Wisco...
-4th: Cambridge, England, April 7-12, 1965 organized by J...
-5th: Salamanca, Spain, March 30-April 3, 1970 organized ...
-6th: Chaumont, Swizerland 7-13 September, 1975 Universit...
-7th: Nürnberg, Germany April 6-10, 1981 A. Heubeck and G...
-8th: Ohrid, Yugoslavia (FYROM) September 15-20, 1985 The...
-9th: Athens, Greece October 2-6, 1990 École française d’...
-10th: Salzburg, Austria April 30-May 6. 1995 Österrichis...
-11th: Austin, Texas, USA, 8-12 May 2000.
-12th: Rome, Italy, 20-25 February 2006.
***書誌調査 [#u3c0a70d]
-'''SMID''' ('''Studies in Mycenaean Inscriptions and Dia...
--1964? (Chadwick) [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/...
--1968? (Baumbach) [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/...
--1979 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941007]]
--1980–1981 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941...
--1984–1985 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941...
--1994–1995 [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0964941...
***Suplementos a '''Minos''' [#s401deac]
-Emmett L. and Bennett, Jr., '''The Olive Oil Tablets of ...
Suplementos a '''Minos''', núm. 2 (Salamanca: Ediciones U...
-Pugliese Carratelli, G., '''Le epigrafi di Haghia Triada...
-Spyropoulos, T. G., Chadwick, J. y Melena, J. L., '''The...
-Melena, J. L., '''Studies on Some Mycenaean Inscriptions...
-Hooker, J. T., '''The Origin of the Linear B Script''', ...
ISBN13: 9788474810288
***叢書 [#t4c2394f]
-[[Incunabula Graeca (CNR editioni):https://www.ispc.cnr....
***その他 [#k9cfa986]
-Freo, M. del (a cura di), '''I censimenti di terreni nei...