] [
**参考文献 [#pecc9c51]
***入門書 [#q0702a84]
-Griffin, J., '''Homer''' (London, 2002).
-Jebb, R.C., '''Homer: An Introduction to the Iliad and t...
***校訂本 [#c5bb65b4]
-Chalcocondyles, D. (Florentiae, 1488).
--所蔵:BSB 2 Inc.c.a. 2064 l など.
***事典 [#sce59b04]
-Finkelberg, M. (ed.), '''The Homer Encyclopedia''' (Mald...
***辞典 [#ka580a23]
-Cunliffe, R.J. (ed.), '''A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialec...
***文脈付索引(Concordance) [#h0c01130]
-Dunbar, H. (ed.), '''A Complete Concordance to the Odyss...
***研究書 [#r8fede03]
-Bakker, E.J., '''Pointing at the Past: From Formula to P...
-Bekker, I., '''Homerische Blätter''' (Bonn, 1863). [[Goo...
-Brugmann, K., '''Ein Problem der homerischen Textkritik ...
-Cauer, P., '''Grundfragen zur Homerkritik''' (Leipzig, 1...
-Crespo, E., García Ramón, J.L., y otros, '''Homerica. es...
-Dee, J.H. (ed.), '''Iuncturae Homericae: A Study of Noun...
--M.W. Edwards, review of Dee, in [['''BMCRev''' 2011.01....
-Ferreri, L., '''La questione omerica dal cinquecento al ...
-Fick, A., '''Die homerische Odyssee in der ursprüngliche...
- --- '''Die homerische Ilias nach ihrer Entstehung und i...
-Giseke, B., '''Homerische Forschungen''' (Leipzig, 1864)...
-Griffin, J., '''Homer on Life and Death''' (Oxford, 1983).
-Kirk, G.S., '''Homer and the Oral Tradition''' (Cambridg...
-Meister, K., '''Die homerische Kunstsprache''' (Leipzig,...
-Montanari, F. (a cura di), '''Omero tremila anni dopo'''...
- --- e Ascheri, P. (a cura di), '''Omero tremila anni do...
- --- Rengakos, A., and Tsagalis, C.C. (eds), '''Homeric ...
-Scodel, R., '''Listening to Homer: Tradition, Narrative,...
-Wackernagel, J., '''Sprachliche untersuchungen zu Homer'...
-Willmott, J., '''The Moods of Homeric Greek''' (Cambridg...
-Wolf, F.A., '''Prolegomena ad Homerum''' (Halis Saxonum ...
***文法 [#t7002e9b]
-Frohwein, E., '''Verbum homericum. Die homerischen Verba...
-Kölligan, D., '''Suppletion und Defektivität im griechis...
--George, C.H., review of Kölligan, '''Verbum''', in [[''...
-Napoli, M., '''Aspect and Actionality in Homeric Greek''...
***必携 [#veb9b318]
-Reichel, M. (Hg.), '''Homer-Handbuch''' (Stuttgart, 2011...
**その他 [#s7b1868f]
-Lehrs, K., '''De Aristarchi studiis homericis''' (Leipzi...
-Nietzsche, F.W., '''Homer and Classical Philology and Ot...
**参考文献 [#pecc9c51]
***入門書 [#q0702a84]
-Griffin, J., '''Homer''' (London, 2002).
-Jebb, R.C., '''Homer: An Introduction to the Iliad and t...
***校訂本 [#c5bb65b4]
-Chalcocondyles, D. (Florentiae, 1488).
--所蔵:BSB 2 Inc.c.a. 2064 l など.
***事典 [#sce59b04]
-Finkelberg, M. (ed.), '''The Homer Encyclopedia''' (Mald...
***辞典 [#ka580a23]
-Cunliffe, R.J. (ed.), '''A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialec...
***文脈付索引(Concordance) [#h0c01130]
-Dunbar, H. (ed.), '''A Complete Concordance to the Odyss...
***研究書 [#r8fede03]
-Bakker, E.J., '''Pointing at the Past: From Formula to P...
-Bekker, I., '''Homerische Blätter''' (Bonn, 1863). [[Goo...
-Brugmann, K., '''Ein Problem der homerischen Textkritik ...
-Cauer, P., '''Grundfragen zur Homerkritik''' (Leipzig, 1...
-Crespo, E., García Ramón, J.L., y otros, '''Homerica. es...
-Dee, J.H. (ed.), '''Iuncturae Homericae: A Study of Noun...
--M.W. Edwards, review of Dee, in [['''BMCRev''' 2011.01....
-Ferreri, L., '''La questione omerica dal cinquecento al ...
-Fick, A., '''Die homerische Odyssee in der ursprüngliche...
- --- '''Die homerische Ilias nach ihrer Entstehung und i...
-Giseke, B., '''Homerische Forschungen''' (Leipzig, 1864)...
-Griffin, J., '''Homer on Life and Death''' (Oxford, 1983).
-Kirk, G.S., '''Homer and the Oral Tradition''' (Cambridg...
-Meister, K., '''Die homerische Kunstsprache''' (Leipzig,...
-Montanari, F. (a cura di), '''Omero tremila anni dopo'''...
- --- e Ascheri, P. (a cura di), '''Omero tremila anni do...
- --- Rengakos, A., and Tsagalis, C.C. (eds), '''Homeric ...
-Scodel, R., '''Listening to Homer: Tradition, Narrative,...
-Wackernagel, J., '''Sprachliche untersuchungen zu Homer'...
-Willmott, J., '''The Moods of Homeric Greek''' (Cambridg...
-Wolf, F.A., '''Prolegomena ad Homerum''' (Halis Saxonum ...
***文法 [#t7002e9b]
-Frohwein, E., '''Verbum homericum. Die homerischen Verba...
-Kölligan, D., '''Suppletion und Defektivität im griechis...
--George, C.H., review of Kölligan, '''Verbum''', in [[''...
-Napoli, M., '''Aspect and Actionality in Homeric Greek''...
***必携 [#veb9b318]
-Reichel, M. (Hg.), '''Homer-Handbuch''' (Stuttgart, 2011...
**その他 [#s7b1868f]
-Lehrs, K., '''De Aristarchi studiis homericis''' (Leipzi...
-Nietzsche, F.W., '''Homer and Classical Philology and Ot...