] [
**参考文献 [#k37b88d4]
-Adrados, F.R., '''A History of the Greek Language: From ...
-Ἀνδριώτης, Ν.Π., Ἱστορία τῆς ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσας (ἐν Θεσσα...
-Browning, B., '''Medieval and Modern Greek'''² (Cambridg...
-Brugmann, K., '''Griechische Grammatik'''³ (München, 190...
-Cassio, A.C., '''Storia delle lingue letterarie greche''...
-Chantraine, P., '''La formation des noms en grec ancien'...
-——— '''Morphologie historique du grec''' (Paris, ₁1945, ...
-Clackson, J., '''The Linguistic Relationship Between Arm...
-Colvin, S., '''Dialect in Aristophanes: And the Politics...
-Copeland, R., and Sluiter, I., '''Medieval Grammar and R...
-Fernández Galiano, M., '''Manual práctico morfología ver...
-Georgakopoulou, A., and Silk, M., '''Standard Languages ...
-Goodwin, W.W., '''An Elementary Greek Grammar'''² (Bosto...
-——— '''An Elementary Greek Grammar'''² (Boston, 1887). [...
-——— '''Greek Grammar'''² (London, 1884).
-——— '''A Greek Grammar'''² (Boston, 1892). [[Internet Ar...
-——— '''Greek Grammar'''² (London, 1894). Internet Archiv...
-——— '''Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb'...
-——— '''GMT'''³ (Cambridge, 1867). [[archive.org:https://...
-——— '''GMT'''³ (Boston, 1870). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁴ (Boston, 1872). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁵ (Boston, 1874). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁶ (Boston, 1875). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁶ (Boston, 1876). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1877). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1878). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1879). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1879). [[Internet Archive:http:/...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1880). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT''', revised edition (Boston, 1882). [[archive...
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged (London, 1887).
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged (London, 1890). ar...
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged, corrected (Boston...
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged, corrected (Boston...
-[[Gildersleeve, B.L., '''Syntax of Classical Greek from ...
--——— '''Syntax of Classical Greek from Homer to Demosthe...
-Hirt, H., '''Handbuch der griechischen Laut- und Formenl...
-Humbert, J., '''Syntaxe grecque'''³ (Paris, 1960).
-Kaster, R.A., '''Guardians of Language: The Grammarian a...
-Kennedy, B.H., '''Graecae grammaticae institutio prima''...
-Kretschmer, P., '''Einleitung in die Geschichte der grie...
-[[Kühner, R., '''Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen...
-——— Blass, F. (bearb.), '''Ausführliche Grammatik der gr...
-——— Gerth, B. (bearb.), –- Zweiter Teil, '''Satzlehre'''...
-van de Laar, Henri M.F.M., '''Description of the Greek I...
-Laum, B., '''Das Alexandrinische Akzentuationssystem''' ...
-Lavidas, N., Nouchoutidou, E., and Sionti, M. (eds), '''...
-Matthiae, A., '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''²,...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''², 2. Theil...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''³, 1. Theil:...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''³, 2. Theil:...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik''' [incert.], ...
-——— anonymous (tr), '''A Copious Greek Grammar''' (Londo...
-Meier-Brügger, M., '''Griechische Sprachwissenschaft''' ...
-Meyer, G., '''Griechische Grammatik'''¹ (Leipzig, 1880)....
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik'''² (Leipzig, 1886). Intern...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik'''³ (Leipzig, 1896). Intern...
-Musti, D. (a cura di), '''Le origini dei greci. Dori e m...
-Pisani, V., e Milani, C., '''Manuale storico della lingu...
-Rix, H., '''Historische Grammatik des Griechischen'''² (...
-Robins, R.H., '''The Byzantine Grammarians: Their Place ...
-Schwyzer, E., '''Griechische Grammatik''', 1. Band, '''L...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik''', 2. Band, '''Syntax und ...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik''', 3. Band, '''Register'''...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik''', 4. Band, '''Stellenregi...
-Smyth, H. W., '''A Greek Grammar for Colleges''' (New Yo...
-——— '''Greek Grammar''', rev. G. M. Messing (Cambridge, ...
-Solmsen, F., '''Untersuchungen zur griechischen laut- un...
-van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., and Huitink, L., '''T...
-Willi, A. (ed.), '''The Language of Greek Comedy''' (Oxf...
-——— '''The Languages of Aristophanes: Aspects of Linguis...
***音韻論 [#w5413c2c]
-Barber, P.J., '''Sievers' Law and the History of Semivow...
-Brixhe, C., '''Phonetique et phonologie du grec ancien'...
-Lejeune, M., '''Phonétique historique du mycénien et du ...
-Lupaş, L., '''Phonologie du grec attique''' (Den Haag, 1...
***アルファベット [#o151cfbf]
-Kirchhoff, A., '''Studien zur Geschichte des griechische...
-Powell, B.B., '''Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alpha...
-——— '''Writing and the Origins of Greek Literature''' (C...
–D. Steiner, review of Powell, '''Writing''', in '''AJPh'...
-——— '''Writing: Theory and History of the Technology of ...
-Wachter, R., `Zur Vorgeschichte des griechischen Alphabe...
-Woodard, R.D., '''Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer'''...
***数 [#aea2d926]
-Cuny, A., '''Le nombre duel en grec''' (Paris, 1906). In...
***名詞 [#f4725aa5]
-Fraenkel, E., '''Geschichte der griechischen Nomina agen...
***動詞 [#bd819181]
-Baird, J.S., '''A Catalogue of Greek Verbs: Irregular an...
-Duhoux, Y., '''Le verbe grec ancien'''² (Louvain-la-Neuv...
-Fraenkel, E., '''Griechische Denominativa in ihrer gesch...
-Rijksbaron, A., '''The Syntax and Semantics of the Verb ...
-Traut, G., '''Lexikon über die Formen der griechischen V...
-Tribulato, O., '''Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds: ...
-Veitch, W., '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective''' (E...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''² (Oxford, ...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''³ (Oxford, ...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''⁴ (Oxford, ...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''² (Oxford, ...
-Willi, A., '''Origins of the Greek Verb''' (Oxford, 2018).
***小辞 [#qa126016]
-Bakker, S. J., and Wakker, G. C., '''Discourse Cohesion ...
-Denniston, J.D., '''The Greek Particles'''² (Oxford, 195...
-Rijksbaron, A. (ed.), '''New Approaches to Greek Particl...
-Sicking, C.M.J., and van Ophuijsen, J.M., '''Two Studies...
***前置詞 [#w94c2858]
-Bortone, P., '''Greek Prepositions: From Antiquity to th...
***統語論 [#z1507756]
-Goldstein, D., '''Classical Greek Syntax: Wackernagel's ...
***句読法 [#r1ab20ae]
-Parkes, M. B., '''Pause and Effect: An Introduction to t...
***歴史 [#gea6e2fe]
-Christidis, A.-P. (ed.), '''A History of Ancient Greek''...
-Horrocks, J., '''Greek: A History of the Language and it...
-——— '''Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers...
--Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana, review of Horrocks², in [...
-Moleas, W., '''The Development of The Greek Language'''²...
--G. Hinge, review of Moleas, '''Development''', in [['''...
---W. Moleas, ‘Response to '''BMCRev''' 2004.12.13’, [[''...
***必携 [#e7ab372d]
-Bakker, E.J. (ed.), '''A Companion to the Ancient Greek ...
--D. M. Goldstein and Dieter C. Gunkel, review of Bakker,...
***新約聖書 [#s31b2bbb]
-Wallace, D.B., '''Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics''' (Gr...
***その他 [#eda7340b]
-Beekes, R.S.P., '''The Development of the Proto-Indo-Eur...
-Crespo, E., De La Villa, J., and Revuelta, A.R. (eds), ...
-Blass, F., and Purton, W.J., '''Pronunciation of Ancient...
-Sophocles, E.A., '''History of the Greek Alphabet and Pr...
**参考文献 [#k37b88d4]
-Adrados, F.R., '''A History of the Greek Language: From ...
-Ἀνδριώτης, Ν.Π., Ἱστορία τῆς ἑλληνικῆς γλώσσας (ἐν Θεσσα...
-Browning, B., '''Medieval and Modern Greek'''² (Cambridg...
-Brugmann, K., '''Griechische Grammatik'''³ (München, 190...
-Cassio, A.C., '''Storia delle lingue letterarie greche''...
-Chantraine, P., '''La formation des noms en grec ancien'...
-——— '''Morphologie historique du grec''' (Paris, ₁1945, ...
-Clackson, J., '''The Linguistic Relationship Between Arm...
-Colvin, S., '''Dialect in Aristophanes: And the Politics...
-Copeland, R., and Sluiter, I., '''Medieval Grammar and R...
-Fernández Galiano, M., '''Manual práctico morfología ver...
-Georgakopoulou, A., and Silk, M., '''Standard Languages ...
-Goodwin, W.W., '''An Elementary Greek Grammar'''² (Bosto...
-——— '''An Elementary Greek Grammar'''² (Boston, 1887). [...
-——— '''Greek Grammar'''² (London, 1884).
-——— '''A Greek Grammar'''² (Boston, 1892). [[Internet Ar...
-——— '''Greek Grammar'''² (London, 1894). Internet Archiv...
-——— '''Syntax of the Moods and Tenses of the Greek Verb'...
-——— '''GMT'''³ (Cambridge, 1867). [[archive.org:https://...
-——— '''GMT'''³ (Boston, 1870). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁴ (Boston, 1872). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁵ (Boston, 1874). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁶ (Boston, 1875). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁶ (Boston, 1876). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1877). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1878). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1879). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1879). [[Internet Archive:http:/...
-——— '''GMT'''⁷ (Boston, 1880). [[archive.org:https://arc...
-——— '''GMT''', revised edition (Boston, 1882). [[archive...
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged (London, 1887).
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged (London, 1890). ar...
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged, corrected (Boston...
-——— '''GMT''', rewritten and enlarged, corrected (Boston...
-[[Gildersleeve, B.L., '''Syntax of Classical Greek from ...
--——— '''Syntax of Classical Greek from Homer to Demosthe...
-Hirt, H., '''Handbuch der griechischen Laut- und Formenl...
-Humbert, J., '''Syntaxe grecque'''³ (Paris, 1960).
-Kaster, R.A., '''Guardians of Language: The Grammarian a...
-Kennedy, B.H., '''Graecae grammaticae institutio prima''...
-Kretschmer, P., '''Einleitung in die Geschichte der grie...
-[[Kühner, R., '''Ausführliche Grammatik der griechischen...
-——— Blass, F. (bearb.), '''Ausführliche Grammatik der gr...
-——— Gerth, B. (bearb.), –- Zweiter Teil, '''Satzlehre'''...
-van de Laar, Henri M.F.M., '''Description of the Greek I...
-Laum, B., '''Das Alexandrinische Akzentuationssystem''' ...
-Lavidas, N., Nouchoutidou, E., and Sionti, M. (eds), '''...
-Matthiae, A., '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''²,...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''², 2. Theil...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''³, 1. Theil:...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik'''³, 2. Theil:...
-——— '''Ausführliche griechische Grammatik''' [incert.], ...
-——— anonymous (tr), '''A Copious Greek Grammar''' (Londo...
-Meier-Brügger, M., '''Griechische Sprachwissenschaft''' ...
-Meyer, G., '''Griechische Grammatik'''¹ (Leipzig, 1880)....
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik'''² (Leipzig, 1886). Intern...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik'''³ (Leipzig, 1896). Intern...
-Musti, D. (a cura di), '''Le origini dei greci. Dori e m...
-Pisani, V., e Milani, C., '''Manuale storico della lingu...
-Rix, H., '''Historische Grammatik des Griechischen'''² (...
-Robins, R.H., '''The Byzantine Grammarians: Their Place ...
-Schwyzer, E., '''Griechische Grammatik''', 1. Band, '''L...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik''', 2. Band, '''Syntax und ...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik''', 3. Band, '''Register'''...
-——— '''Griechische Grammatik''', 4. Band, '''Stellenregi...
-Smyth, H. W., '''A Greek Grammar for Colleges''' (New Yo...
-——— '''Greek Grammar''', rev. G. M. Messing (Cambridge, ...
-Solmsen, F., '''Untersuchungen zur griechischen laut- un...
-van Emde Boas, E., Rijksbaron, A., and Huitink, L., '''T...
-Willi, A. (ed.), '''The Language of Greek Comedy''' (Oxf...
-——— '''The Languages of Aristophanes: Aspects of Linguis...
***音韻論 [#w5413c2c]
-Barber, P.J., '''Sievers' Law and the History of Semivow...
-Brixhe, C., '''Phonetique et phonologie du grec ancien'...
-Lejeune, M., '''Phonétique historique du mycénien et du ...
-Lupaş, L., '''Phonologie du grec attique''' (Den Haag, 1...
***アルファベット [#o151cfbf]
-Kirchhoff, A., '''Studien zur Geschichte des griechische...
-Powell, B.B., '''Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alpha...
-——— '''Writing and the Origins of Greek Literature''' (C...
–D. Steiner, review of Powell, '''Writing''', in '''AJPh'...
-——— '''Writing: Theory and History of the Technology of ...
-Wachter, R., `Zur Vorgeschichte des griechischen Alphabe...
-Woodard, R.D., '''Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer'''...
***数 [#aea2d926]
-Cuny, A., '''Le nombre duel en grec''' (Paris, 1906). In...
***名詞 [#f4725aa5]
-Fraenkel, E., '''Geschichte der griechischen Nomina agen...
***動詞 [#bd819181]
-Baird, J.S., '''A Catalogue of Greek Verbs: Irregular an...
-Duhoux, Y., '''Le verbe grec ancien'''² (Louvain-la-Neuv...
-Fraenkel, E., '''Griechische Denominativa in ihrer gesch...
-Rijksbaron, A., '''The Syntax and Semantics of the Verb ...
-Traut, G., '''Lexikon über die Formen der griechischen V...
-Tribulato, O., '''Ancient Greek Verb-Initial Compounds: ...
-Veitch, W., '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective''' (E...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''² (Oxford, ...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''³ (Oxford, ...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''⁴ (Oxford, ...
-——— '''Greek Verbs Irregular and Defective'''² (Oxford, ...
-Willi, A., '''Origins of the Greek Verb''' (Oxford, 2018).
***小辞 [#qa126016]
-Bakker, S. J., and Wakker, G. C., '''Discourse Cohesion ...
-Denniston, J.D., '''The Greek Particles'''² (Oxford, 195...
-Rijksbaron, A. (ed.), '''New Approaches to Greek Particl...
-Sicking, C.M.J., and van Ophuijsen, J.M., '''Two Studies...
***前置詞 [#w94c2858]
-Bortone, P., '''Greek Prepositions: From Antiquity to th...
***統語論 [#z1507756]
-Goldstein, D., '''Classical Greek Syntax: Wackernagel's ...
***句読法 [#r1ab20ae]
-Parkes, M. B., '''Pause and Effect: An Introduction to t...
***歴史 [#gea6e2fe]
-Christidis, A.-P. (ed.), '''A History of Ancient Greek''...
-Horrocks, J., '''Greek: A History of the Language and it...
-——— '''Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers...
--Chiara Faraggiana di Sarzana, review of Horrocks², in [...
-Moleas, W., '''The Development of The Greek Language'''²...
--G. Hinge, review of Moleas, '''Development''', in [['''...
---W. Moleas, ‘Response to '''BMCRev''' 2004.12.13’, [[''...
***必携 [#e7ab372d]
-Bakker, E.J. (ed.), '''A Companion to the Ancient Greek ...
--D. M. Goldstein and Dieter C. Gunkel, review of Bakker,...
***新約聖書 [#s31b2bbb]
-Wallace, D.B., '''Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics''' (Gr...
***その他 [#eda7340b]
-Beekes, R.S.P., '''The Development of the Proto-Indo-Eur...
-Crespo, E., De La Villa, J., and Revuelta, A.R. (eds), ...
-Blass, F., and Purton, W.J., '''Pronunciation of Ancient...
-Sophocles, E.A., '''History of the Greek Alphabet and Pr...