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[[eLearning]] *Life(生活) [#g444cbc1] **参考文献 [#la7c90a3] -Adkins, L. and Adkins, R.A., '''Handbook to Life Ancient Greece''' [2] (New York, 2005). -Bensinger, H., '''Greece: Ancient Greek Technology, Ancient Greek Daily Life, Ancient Greek Government, Ancient Greek Geography, the Ancient Greek Economy, Ancient Greek Cultur''' (, 2013). -Cahill, N., '''Household and City Organization at Olynthus''' (New Haven, 2001). -Cleland, L., and Davies, G., '''Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z''' (London, 2007). -Connolly, P. and Dodge, H., '''The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome''' (Oxford, 1998). -Davis, W.S., '''A Day in Old Athens: A Picture of Athenian Life''' (New York, 1914). Internet Archive: [[1:https://archive.org/details/dayinoldathensap005662mbp]] [[2:https://archive.org/details/dayinoldathenspi00daviiala]] - --- '''A Day in Old Rome''' (New York, 1925). Internet Archive: [[1:https://archive.org/details/dayinoldrome007400mbp]] -Deighton, H.J., '''A Day in the Life of Ancient Athens''' (London: 1995). -Flaceliere, R., '''Daily Life in Greece at the Time of Pericles''' (, 2002). -Garland, R., '''Introducing New Gods: Politics of Athenian Religion''' (, 1992). - --- '''The Greek Way of Death''' (, 2001). - ---『古代ギリシア人と死』(晃洋書房,2008). - --- '''Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks''' [2] (Westport, 2009). [[Google Books:https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=jyxtMKYIBysC]] - --- '''Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Western Civilization''' (, 2013). -Hope, T., '''Costume of the Ancients''' (London, 1841). Internet Archive: [[1:https://archive.org/details/costumeancients00hopegoog]] -Houston, M.G., '''Ancient Greek, Roman & Byzantine Costume''' [2] (New York, 1954). -Lacey, W.K., '''The Family in Classical Greece''' (London, 1968). -Rautman, M., '''Daily Life in the Byzantine Empire''' (, 2006). -[[Aspects of Greek and Roman life (London: Thames and Hudson)>eLearning/Life/Aspects]]. #amazon(0816056595,left,Adkins and Adkins) #amazon(1477711430,left,Bensinger) #amazon(0300084951,left,Cahill) #amazon(0415226619,left,Cleland and Davies [hbk]) #amazon(0415542804,left,Cleland and Davies [pbk]) #amazon(0199172420,left,Connolly and Dodge [hbk]) #amazon(0195215826,left,Connolly and Dodge [pbk]) #amazon(1853991376,left,Deighton) #amazon(1842125079,left,Flaceliere) #amazon(0715623923,left,Garland Gods) #amazon(0801487463,left,Garland Death) #amazon(4771019983,left,Garland 死) #amazon(031335815X,left,Garland Life) #amazon(1454909080,left,Garland Greece) #amazon(0486426106,left,Houston) #amazon(0801492742,left,Lacey) #amazon(0313324379,left,Rautman) #amazon(,clear) ***児童・生徒向け [#e2ebcdc6] -Bartok, M. and Alexander, K., '''Ancient Greece''', Ancient and Living Cultures Stencils (, 1995). -Bensinger, H., '''Ancient Greek Daily Life''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Culture''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Government''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Technology''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Economy''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Geography''' (New York, 2014). -Connolly, P., '''Ancient Greece''' (Oxford, 2001). -Green, J., '''Life in Ancient Greece''' (, 1993). -Hunt, N.B. (ed.), '''Living in Ancient Greece''' (New York, 2009). -Jovinelly, J., and Netelkos, J., '''The Crafts and Culture of the Ancient Greeks''' (, 2002). -Kotapish, D., '''Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Athens''' (, 2000). -Kuhtz, C., and Martell, H.M. (eds), '''Ancient Greek Civilization''' (New York, 2010). -MacDonald, F., '''In the Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks''' (, 2002). -Nardo, D., '''Ancient Greece''' (, 2002). -Pearson, A., '''Everyday Life in Ancient Greece''' (, 1995). - --- '''Eyewitness: Ancient Greece''' (, 2014). -Ross, S., '''Ancient Greece Daily Life''' (, 2007). -Senker, C., '''Everyday Life in Ancient Greece''' (Firenze, 2001). -Simons, L.M.B., '''Daily Life in Ancient Greece''' (, 2016). #amazon(0673362558,left,Bartok and Alexander) #amazon(1477708774,left,Bensinger Life) #amazon(1477708715,left,Bensinger Culture) #amazon(1477708731,left,Bensinger Government) #amazon(1477708812,left,Bensinger Technology) #amazon(1477708758,left,Bensinger Economy) #amazon(1477708790,left,Bensinger Geography) #amazon(0199107645,left,Connolly) #amazon(0486275094,left,Green) #amazon(0816063397,left,Hunt) #amazon(0823935108,left,Jovinelly) #amazon(0822532166,left,Kotapish) #amazon(1404280332,left,Kuhtz and Martell) #amazon(0750235888,left,MacDonald) #amazon(0737709561,left,Nardo) #amazon(0789457504,left,Pearson Life [hbk]) #amazon(0749620366,left,Pearson Life [pbk]) #amazon(1465420916,left,Pearson Eyewitness [hbk]) #amazon(1465420495,left,Pearson Eyewitness [pbk]) #amazon(0756520851,left,Ross) #amazon(1583402489,left,Senker) #amazon(1474717446,left,Simons) #amazon(,clear) ***和書 [#pea6f83d] -アルベルト・アンジェラ『古代ローマ人の24時間--よみがえる帝都ローマの民衆生活』関口英子訳(河出書房新社,2010). - ---『古代ローマ人の24時間--よみがえる帝都ローマの民衆生活』関口英子訳(河出文庫,2012). - ---『古代ローマ帝国1万5000キロの旅』関口英子,佐瀬奈緒美訳(河出書房新社,2013). - ---『古代ローマ人の愛と性--官能の帝都を生きる民衆たち』関口英子,佐瀬奈緒美訳(河出書房新社,2014). #amazon(4309225314,left,アンジェラ『24時間』単行本) #amazon(4309463711,left,アンジェラ『24時間』文庫版) #amazon(4309225896,left,アンジェラ『旅』) #amazon(4309226043,left,アンジェラ『愛』) #amazon(,clear)
[[eLearning]] *Life(生活) [#g444cbc1] **参考文献 [#la7c90a3] -Adkins, L. and Adkins, R.A., '''Handbook to Life Ancient Greece''' [2] (New York, 2005). -Bensinger, H., '''Greece: Ancient Greek Technology, Ancient Greek Daily Life, Ancient Greek Government, Ancient Greek Geography, the Ancient Greek Economy, Ancient Greek Cultur''' (, 2013). -Cahill, N., '''Household and City Organization at Olynthus''' (New Haven, 2001). -Cleland, L., and Davies, G., '''Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z''' (London, 2007). -Connolly, P. and Dodge, H., '''The Ancient City: Life in Classical Athens and Rome''' (Oxford, 1998). -Davis, W.S., '''A Day in Old Athens: A Picture of Athenian Life''' (New York, 1914). Internet Archive: [[1:https://archive.org/details/dayinoldathensap005662mbp]] [[2:https://archive.org/details/dayinoldathenspi00daviiala]] - --- '''A Day in Old Rome''' (New York, 1925). Internet Archive: [[1:https://archive.org/details/dayinoldrome007400mbp]] -Deighton, H.J., '''A Day in the Life of Ancient Athens''' (London: 1995). -Flaceliere, R., '''Daily Life in Greece at the Time of Pericles''' (, 2002). -Garland, R., '''Introducing New Gods: Politics of Athenian Religion''' (, 1992). - --- '''The Greek Way of Death''' (, 2001). - ---『古代ギリシア人と死』(晃洋書房,2008). - --- '''Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks''' [2] (Westport, 2009). [[Google Books:https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=jyxtMKYIBysC]] - --- '''Ancient Greece: Everyday Life in the Birthplace of Western Civilization''' (, 2013). -Hope, T., '''Costume of the Ancients''' (London, 1841). Internet Archive: [[1:https://archive.org/details/costumeancients00hopegoog]] -Houston, M.G., '''Ancient Greek, Roman & Byzantine Costume''' [2] (New York, 1954). -Lacey, W.K., '''The Family in Classical Greece''' (London, 1968). -Rautman, M., '''Daily Life in the Byzantine Empire''' (, 2006). -[[Aspects of Greek and Roman life (London: Thames and Hudson)>eLearning/Life/Aspects]]. #amazon(0816056595,left,Adkins and Adkins) #amazon(1477711430,left,Bensinger) #amazon(0300084951,left,Cahill) #amazon(0415226619,left,Cleland and Davies [hbk]) #amazon(0415542804,left,Cleland and Davies [pbk]) #amazon(0199172420,left,Connolly and Dodge [hbk]) #amazon(0195215826,left,Connolly and Dodge [pbk]) #amazon(1853991376,left,Deighton) #amazon(1842125079,left,Flaceliere) #amazon(0715623923,left,Garland Gods) #amazon(0801487463,left,Garland Death) #amazon(4771019983,left,Garland 死) #amazon(031335815X,left,Garland Life) #amazon(1454909080,left,Garland Greece) #amazon(0486426106,left,Houston) #amazon(0801492742,left,Lacey) #amazon(0313324379,left,Rautman) #amazon(,clear) ***児童・生徒向け [#e2ebcdc6] -Bartok, M. and Alexander, K., '''Ancient Greece''', Ancient and Living Cultures Stencils (, 1995). -Bensinger, H., '''Ancient Greek Daily Life''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Culture''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Government''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Technology''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Economy''' (New York, 2014). - --- '''Ancient Greek Geography''' (New York, 2014). -Connolly, P., '''Ancient Greece''' (Oxford, 2001). -Green, J., '''Life in Ancient Greece''' (, 1993). -Hunt, N.B. (ed.), '''Living in Ancient Greece''' (New York, 2009). -Jovinelly, J., and Netelkos, J., '''The Crafts and Culture of the Ancient Greeks''' (, 2002). -Kotapish, D., '''Daily Life in Ancient and Modern Athens''' (, 2000). -Kuhtz, C., and Martell, H.M. (eds), '''Ancient Greek Civilization''' (New York, 2010). -MacDonald, F., '''In the Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks''' (, 2002). -Nardo, D., '''Ancient Greece''' (, 2002). -Pearson, A., '''Everyday Life in Ancient Greece''' (, 1995). - --- '''Eyewitness: Ancient Greece''' (, 2014). -Ross, S., '''Ancient Greece Daily Life''' (, 2007). -Senker, C., '''Everyday Life in Ancient Greece''' (Firenze, 2001). -Simons, L.M.B., '''Daily Life in Ancient Greece''' (, 2016). #amazon(0673362558,left,Bartok and Alexander) #amazon(1477708774,left,Bensinger Life) #amazon(1477708715,left,Bensinger Culture) #amazon(1477708731,left,Bensinger Government) #amazon(1477708812,left,Bensinger Technology) #amazon(1477708758,left,Bensinger Economy) #amazon(1477708790,left,Bensinger Geography) #amazon(0199107645,left,Connolly) #amazon(0486275094,left,Green) #amazon(0816063397,left,Hunt) #amazon(0823935108,left,Jovinelly) #amazon(0822532166,left,Kotapish) #amazon(1404280332,left,Kuhtz and Martell) #amazon(0750235888,left,MacDonald) #amazon(0737709561,left,Nardo) #amazon(0789457504,left,Pearson Life [hbk]) #amazon(0749620366,left,Pearson Life [pbk]) #amazon(1465420916,left,Pearson Eyewitness [hbk]) #amazon(1465420495,left,Pearson Eyewitness [pbk]) #amazon(0756520851,left,Ross) #amazon(1583402489,left,Senker) #amazon(1474717446,left,Simons) #amazon(,clear) ***和書 [#pea6f83d] -アルベルト・アンジェラ『古代ローマ人の24時間--よみがえる帝都ローマの民衆生活』関口英子訳(河出書房新社,2010). - ---『古代ローマ人の24時間--よみがえる帝都ローマの民衆生活』関口英子訳(河出文庫,2012). - ---『古代ローマ帝国1万5000キロの旅』関口英子,佐瀬奈緒美訳(河出書房新社,2013). - ---『古代ローマ人の愛と性--官能の帝都を生きる民衆たち』関口英子,佐瀬奈緒美訳(河出書房新社,2014). #amazon(4309225314,left,アンジェラ『24時間』単行本) #amazon(4309463711,left,アンジェラ『24時間』文庫版) #amazon(4309225896,left,アンジェラ『旅』) #amazon(4309226043,left,アンジェラ『愛』) #amazon(,clear)