**参考文献 [#oed89c71]

-Demiraj, S., '''Historische Grammatik der albanischen Sprache''' (Wien, 1993). [[amazon.de:http://www.amazon.de/dp/3700120125]] [[VÖAW:http://verlag.oeaw.ac.at/products/Sachgebiete/Sprachwissenschaft/Historische-Grammatik-der-albanischen-Sprache.html]]
-Demiraj, B., '''Albanische Etymologien''' (Amsterdam 1997). [[amazon.co.uk:http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/9042001615]]
-Newmark, L., '''Standard Albanian: A Reference Grammar for Students''' (Stanford, 1982).
- --- '''Albanian Handbook: With English to Albanian Glossary''' (Hyattsville, Md, 2000).
-Orel, V., '''A Concise Historical Grammar of the Albanian Language''' (Leiden, 2000).
-Sanz Ledesma, M., '''El Albanés. gramatica, historia, textos''' (Madrid, 1996). [[amazon.es:http://www.amazon.es/dp/8478822089]]

#amazon(0804711291,left,Newmark Grammar [hbk])
#amazon(1881265692,left,Handbook [hbk])
#amazon(9004116478,left,Orel Grammar [hbk])

***辞典 [#jb7889ff]

-Blanchus, F. (ed.), '''Dictionarium latino-epiroticum''' (Romae, 1635). Google Books: [[1:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=CI8CAAAAQAAJ]] [[2:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=Y2ETAAAAQAAJ]]
-Meyer, G. (Hg.), '''Etymologisches Wörterbuch der albanesischen Sprache''' (Strassburg, 1891). Google Books: [[1:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=xq6NDNt2wfAC]]
-Newmark, L. (ed.), '''Oxford Albanian-English Dictionary''' [2] (Oxford, 2000).
-Orel, V. (ed.), '''Albanian Etymological Dictionary''' (Leiden, 1998).

#amazon(0198603223,left,Newmark Dictionary [pbk])
#amazon(9004110240,left,Orel Dictionary [hbk])

***翻訳 [#bf5dbe80]
***テキスト・翻訳 [#bf5dbe80]

-Fishta, Gj., '''The Highland Lute: The Albanian National Epic''', tr. R. Elsie and J. Mathie-Heck (, 2006).
-Gjecov, Sh., '''Kanuni I Leke Dukagjinit: The Code of Leke Dukagjini''', tr. L. Fox (, 1989).


***文学史 [#d41bc6a3]

-Elsie, R., '''Dictionary of Albanian Literature''' (, 1986).
- --- '''History of Albanian Literature''' (, 1995).
- --- '''Albanian Literature: A Short History''' (, 2006).
-Mann, S., '''Albanian Literature''' (London, 1955).

#amazon(031325186X,left,Elsie Dictionary)
#amazon(088033276X,left,Elsie History)
#amazon(1845110315,left,Elsie Short)

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