**参考文献 [#jcf5b8bc]

-Bagnall, R.S., '''Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History''' (London, 1995).
-——— '''The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology''' (Oxford, 2009). [[pbk:https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0199843694]]
-Betegh, G., '''The Derveni Papyrus: Cosmology, Theology, and Interpretation''' (Cambridge, 2004).
-Bird, G.D., '''Multitextuality in the Homeric Iliad''' (Cambridge, Mass., 2010). [forthcoming]
-Evans, T.V., and Obbink, D.D. (eds), '''The Language of the Papyri''' (Oxford, 2009).
-Grenfell, G.P., and Hunt, A.S. (ed.), '''Greek Papyri''' (Oxford, 1903). [[Internet Archive:http://www.archive.org/details/greekpapyri00gren]]
-Hengstl, J. (Hg.), '''Griechische Papyri aus Ägypten als Zeugnisse des privaten und öffentlichen Lebens''' (Berlin, 2014).
-Hohlwein, N., '''La papyrologie grecque''' (, 1905). [[Internet Archive:http://www.archive.org/details/lapapyrologiegr00hohlgoog]]
-Johnson, W.A., '''Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus''' (Tronto, 2004).
-Karabacek, J.R. von (Hg.), '''Mitteilungen aus der Sammlung Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer''' (Wien, 1886). Internet Archive: [[Bd.1:http://www.archive.org/details/p1p2mitteilungen01karauoft]] [[Bde 2––3:http://www.archive.org/details/mitteilungenausd23karauoft]]
-Kenyon, F.G. (ed.), '''Classical Texts from Papyri in the British Museum; Including the Newly Discovered Poems of Herodas''' (London, 1891). [[Internet Archive:http://www.archive.org/details/classicaltextsfr00brituoft]]
-——— '''The Palaeography of Greek Papyri''' (Oxford, 1899). [[Internet Archive:http://www.archive.org/details/palaeographyofgr00kenyuoft]]
-[[Mayser, E., '''Grammatik der griechischen Papyri''' (, 1926--38).>./Mayser1926]]
-Oates, J. F., Bagnall, R. S., Willis, W. H. and Worp, K. A., '''Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca and Tablets'''⁵ (Oakwille, Conn. / Oxford, 2001). [[Link:https://papyri.info/docs/checklist]]
-Robinson, J., '''The Story of the Bodmer Papyri''' (, 2010). [forthcoming]
-Turner, E. G., '''Greek Papyri: An Introduction''' (Oxford, 1968).

***'''Catalogue''' [#oc7c555c]

-[['''Greek papyri in the British Museum'''>../BritishMuseum]]

***'''Editions''' [#oc74e2d9]

-[['''The Oxyrhynchus Papyri''' (London, 1898–  )>../OxyPap]]
-[['''The Hibeh Papyri''' (London, 1906–1955)>../HibehPap]]

***memo [#ufc26a61]


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