#author("2019-10-23T17:50:46+00:00","default:admin","admin") **参考文献 [#z3ddbb62] #author("2019-10-23T17:57:03+00:00","default:admin","admin") -Abel, E., '''Orphei Lithika''' (Berlin, 1881). -Kern, O., '''Orphica fragmenta''' (Berolini, 1922). [[Internet Archive:https://archive.org/details/orphicorumfragme00orphuoft]] -King, C. W., '''Natural History, Ancient and Modern of Precious Stones and Gems and of Precious Metals''' (London, 1865). [[Google Books:https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=awah-q9jsrcC]] -Kostov, R. I., ‘'''Orphic Lithica''' as a Source of Late Antiquity Mineralogical Knowledge’, '''Annual of the University of Mining and Geology ‘St. Ivan Rilski’''', 51 (2008), 109–115. -Костов, Р. И., '''Орфическа литика''' (София: PENSOFT, 2009). ISBN: 9789546424815