**参考文献 [#rbd30888]

-Blaydes, F. H. M. (ed.), '''Aristophanis Aves''' (Oxonii [Oxford], 1842). [[Google Books:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=XEgTAAAAYAAJ]]
-Blaydes, F. H. M. (ed.), '''Aristophanis Aves''' (Oxonii, 1842). [[Google Books:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=XEgTAAAAYAAJ]]
-Dunbar, N. (ed.), '''Aristophanes: Birds''' (Oxford, 1995). amazon: [[hbk:http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0198149344]] [[pbk:http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0198150830]]
--J. Gibert, review of N. Dunbar (ed.), '''Aristophanes: Birds''' (Oxford, 1995), in [['''BMCRev''' 96.5.4:http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/1996/96.05.04.html]].
-Leeuwen, J. van (ed.), '''Aristophanis Aves''' (Leiden, 1902). [[Internet Archive:http://www.archive.org/details/avescumprolegome00arisuoft]]
-Sommerstein, A. H. (ed. & tr.), '''Aristophanes: Birds''' (Warminster, 1987). [[amazon:http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/0856682888]]
-White, J.W., ‘Tzetzes's Notes on the '''Aves''' of Aristophanes in Codex Urbinas 141’, [['''HSPh''' 12 (1901):http://www.archive.org/details/harvardstudiesin12harvuoft]], 69–108.
-——— ‘Notes on the Scholia to the '''Aves'''’, [['''CR''' 18 (1904):http://www.archive.org/details/classicalreview18clasuoft]], 436–440.
-——— (ed.), '''The Scholia on the Aves of Aristophanes''' (Boston, 1914). Internet Archive: [[1:http://www.archive.org/details/scholiaonavesar00whitgoog]] [[2:http://www.archive.org/details/scholiaonavesar01whitgoog]]
--Bassi, D., review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), '''RFIC''' 45 (1917), 435–437.
--Elliott, R. T., review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), [['''CR''' 30 (1916):http://www.archive.org/details/classicalreview3031clasuoft]], 74–80.
--Howes, G. E., review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), '''CW''' 10 (1916), 90–95.
--Navarre, O., review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), '''REA''' 19 (1917), 51–53.
--Peppler, C. W., review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), '''CPh''' 11 (1916), 218–220.
--T.R., review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), '''REG''' 37 (1924), 362–365?.
--, review of White, '''Scholia''' (Boston, 1914), '''Cambridge Review''' 37 (1915–16), 107– .

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