
*組版規則に関する参考文献 [#p2e24d9f]

**欧文 [#j1658fdf]

-R. M. Ritter, '''The Oxford Style Manual''', Oxford, 2003. (£25.00)
-R. M. Ritter, '''New Hart's Rules''', Oxford, 2005. (£12.99)
-R. M. Ritter, '''New Oxford Dictionary for Writers And Editors''', Oxford, 2005. (£12.99)
-The University of Chicago Press, '''The Chicago Manual of Style''', Chicago, 1906/2003 (15th ed.). ($55.00)
-Judith Butcher, '''Butcher's Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook for Editors, Proofreaders And Copy-editors''', Cambridge, 2006 (4th ed.). (£45.00)
-P. L. Shillingsburg, '''Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age: Theory and Practice''', Michigan, 1996 (3rd ed.).

#amazon(0198605641,left,[The Oxford Style Manual])
#amazon(0198610416,left,[New Hart's Rules])
#amazon(0198610408,left,[New Oxford Dictionary])
#amazon(0226104036,left,[Chicago Manual])
#amazon(0521847133,left,[Butcher's Copy-editing])
#amazon(0521400740,left,[Butcher's Copy-editing (3rd ed.)])
#amazon(0472066005,left,[Scholarly Editing in the Computer Age: Theory and Practice])

**和文 [#b1d099a5]



**Web ページ [#icc06470]


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