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*xindy [#ab0a1ec9]

makeindexに代わるプログラムです.makeindexより柔軟で,多言語にも対応しています.TeX LiveやW32TeXに含まれています.

**.xdyファイルの作成 [#f518df14]


 (define-location-class "page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers"))
 (define-attributes (("definition" "usage")))
 (markup-index :open  "~n\begin{theindex}~n"
              :close "~n\end{theindex}~n"
 (markup-locref :class "page-numbers" :attr "definition"
               :open  "{\bf " :close "}")
 (markup-locclass-list :open "\quad{}")
 (markup-locref-list :sep ", ")
 (markup-indexentry :open "~n  \item "           :depth 0)
 (markup-indexentry :open "~n    \subitem "      :depth 1)
 (markup-indexentry :open "~n      \subsubitem " :depth 2)
 (require "lang/greek/polytonic-utf8-lang.xdy")

**コマンドの実行 [#h9ed8bab]


 $ xindy -t test.xlg -M style -I xindy test.raw

**規則の追加 [#k12a992b]


***polytonic-utf8-lang.xdyの書き換え [#cf222f8a]



 $ make greek/polutoniko-utf8



**Tips [#ve98e3c3]

***頭文字を小文字にする [#q26f8415]


  (markup-letter-group :downcase)

**参考 [#e8fc5fdc]


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