
B. 13

Last updated: 2008/09/10 by MATSUURA Takashi



Dactylo-Epitrite と呼ばれる韻律である。Dactylo-Epitrite は以下の metra の組み合わせでできている。それぞれをつなぎあわせる際に link anceps(x だが、たいていの場合は - になり、u は少ない)がつく場合とつかない場合がある。

- u u - u u -
- u -

(以下は Maas による)

- u - x - u -
d [1]
- u u -
d [2]
u u -

B. 13

| は diaeresis、|| は period の終わりを表す。str. の3行目が変則的である。


[1] x D

[2] x e x ||

[3] - - - u u - x |

[4] e x e x ||

[5] x D x ||

[6] e x e

[7] x D

[8] x e x ||

[9] D x ||

[10] D x |

[11] D

[12] x e x e x ||


[1] x D x e |

[2] x D

[3] u e x |

[4] e x D

[5] x e x e

[6] x D x

[7] e x e x e ||

[8] D x

[9] e x e x ||


Critical Text
Maehler, H. (ed.), Bacchylidis carmina cum fragmentis [11] (München, 2003)
Barrett, W.S., `Bacchylides, Ode 13', in id., M.L. West (ed), Greek Lyric, Tragedy, and Textual Criticism: Collected Papers (Oxford, 2007), 232--284.

Jebb, R.C. (ed.), Bacchylides: The Poems and Fragments (Cambridge, 1905)

Maehler, H. (ed.), Die Lieder des Bakchylides, 2. Teil (Leiden, 1997)

Campbell, D.A. (tr.), Greek Lyric IV: Bacchylides, Corinna, and Others (Cambridge, 1992) [Loeb]
Stern, J., `An Essay on Bacchylidean Criticism', in W. Calder III und J. Stern (hrsg.), Pindaros und Bakchylides, Wege und Forschung, Bd. 134 (Darmstadt, 1970), 290--307.
Gerber, D.E., `Pindar and Bacchylides 1934--1987', Lustrum 31 (1989), 97--269.

--- `Pindar and Bacchylides 1934--1987 (Continuation)', Lustrum 32 (1990), 7--98.

Barrett, W.S., `Dacylo-Epitrites in Bacchylides', Hermes 84 (1956), 248--253.

Blass, F., `Bacchylides' Gedicht auf Pytheas von Aigina', RM 53 (1898), 283--307. = W. Calder III und J. Stern (hrsg.), Pindaros und Bakchylides, Wege und Forschung, Bd. 134 (Darmstadt, 1970), 364--390.

Burnett, A.P., The Art of Bacchylides (Cambridge, Mass., 1985), 77--95.

Fearn, D., `Homeric Fire, Aiginetan Glory, Panhellenic Reception: Bacchylides 13', in Bacchylides: Politics, Performance, Poetic Tradition (Oxford, 2007), 87--160.

--- `Dating Bacchylides 13', in Bacchylides: Politics, Performance, Poetic Tradition (Oxford, 2007), 342--350.

Pfeijffer, I.L., `The Date of Pindar's Fifth Nemean and Bacchylides' Thirteenth Ode', CQ 45 (1995), 318--332.

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