- Dickey, E., Ancient Greek Scholarship (Oxford, 2007)
- Hall, F.W., A Companion to Classical Texts (Oxford, 1913) Internet Archive: 1 2
- Heath, M., Interpreting Classical Texts (Bristol, 2003)
- Kenney, E.J., The Classical Text (Berkeley, 1975)
- Pfeiffer, R., History of Classical Scholarship: From the Beginning to the End of the Hellenistic Age (Oxford, 1968)
- --- History of Classical Scholarship: From 1300 to 1850 (Oxford, 1976)
- Russell, D.A., Criticism In Antiquity (Berkeley, 1981)
- Sandys, J.E., A History of Classical Scholarship (Cambridge, 1903--1921)
- --- A Short History of Classical Scholarship from the Sixth Century B. C. to the Present Day (Cambridge, 1915) Internet Archive
- Timpanaro, S., Most, G.W. (tr.), The Genesis of Lachmann's Method (Chicago, 2006)
- Turner, E.G., Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World (Oxford, 1971)
- Wilson, N.G., Scholars of Byzantium (Baltimore, 1983)
- --- From Byzantium to Italy (Baltimore, 1992)
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The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism†
- Editors: H.B. Nisbet, C. Rawson
- Web Site: http://www.cambridge.org/series/sSeries.asp?code=CHLC
- Volumes
- G.A. Kennedy (ed.), Classical Criticism (1990)
- A. Minnis, and I. Johnson (eds), The Middle Ages (2005)
- G.P. Norton (ed.), The Renaissance (1999)
- H.B. Nisbet (ed.), The Eighteenth Century (1997)
- M. Brown (ed.), Romanticism (2000)
- A.W. Litz, L. Menand, and L. Rainey (eds), Modernism and the New Criticism (2000)
- R. Selden (ed.), From Formalism to Poststructuralism (1995)
- C. Knellwolf, and C. Norris (eds), Twentieth-Century Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives (2001)
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