Collected Papers†
- Barrett, W.S., West, M.L. (ed.), Greek Lyric, Tragedy, and Textual Criticism: Collected Papers (Oxford, 2007)
- Bekker, I., Anecdota Graeca (Berlin, 1816--21)
- Bentley, R., Works (London, 1836)
- Boeckh, A., Gesammelte Kleine Schriften (Leipzig, 1858--84)
- Dobree, P.P., Adversaria (Cambridge, 1833) Google Books
- Hermann, G., Opuscula (Leipzig, 1827)
- Lehrs, K., Kleine Schriften (Königsberg, 1902) Internet Archive
- Lloyd-Jones, H., Greek Epic, Lyric, and Tragedy: The Academic Papers of Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones (Oxford, 1991)
- --- Greek Comedy, Hellenistic Literature, Greek Religion, and Miscellanea: The Academic Papers of Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones (Oxford, 1991)
- --- The Further Academic Papers of Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones (Oxford, 2006)
- Macleod, C.W., Collected Essays (Oxford, 1983)
- Nisbet, R.G.M., Collected Papers on Latin Literature (Oxford, 1995)
- Porson, R., Adversaria: notae et emendationes in poetas Graecos (Cambridge, 1812) Google Books
- --- Kidd, T. (ed.), Tracts and Miscellaneous Criticisms of the Late Richard Porson (London, 1815) Google Books
- Ruhnken, D., Opuscula (Leiden, 1807) Google Books
- --- Friedemann, F.T. (ed.), Dav. Ruhnkenii orationes, dissertationes et epistolae (Brunswigae, 1828) Google Books
- Stinton, T.C.W., Collected Papers on Greek Tragedy (Oxford, 1990)
- Verrall, A.W., Collected Literary Essays, Classical and Modern (Cambridge, 1913) Internet Archive 1 2
- --- Collected studies in Greek and Latin Scholarship (Cambridge, 1913) Internet Archive: 1 2
- Welcker, F.G., Kleine Schriften (Bonn, 1833) Internet Archive
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