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#amazon(0521335558,left,Allen Vox Graeca [pbk])
#amazon(0521108594,left,Allen Accent [pbk])
#amazon(0891307354,left,Devine and Stephens)
#amazon(0198158793,left,Gasparov [hbk])
#amazon(0872202445,left,Halporn et al. [hbk])
#amazon(0872202437,left,Halporn et al. [pbk])
#amazon(0198721293,left,West Introduction)

***書誌調査(Bibliographical Research) [#uf2ce17d]

-A.M. Dale, `Greek Metric 1936--1957', '''Lustrum''' 2 (1958), 1--51, 298--299.
-L.P.E. Parker, `Greek Metric 1957--1970', '''Lustrum''' 15 (1972), 37--98, 125--128.

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