**参考文献 [#kfc326a9]

-Borko, H., and Bernier, C.L., '''Indexing: Concepts and Methods''' (New York: Academic Press, 1978).
-Browne, G., and Jermey, J., '''The Indexing Companion''' (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).
-Collison, R.L., '''Indexes and Indexing''' [4] (London; Ernst Benn, 1972).
-Knight, G.N., '''Training in Indexing''' (Cambridge, Mass., 1969).
- --- '''Indexing, The Art of''' (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1988).
-Leise, F., Mertes, K., and Badgett, N., '''Indexing for Editors and Authors: A Practical Guide to Understanding Indexes''' (Oregon: Information Today, 2008).
-Mulvany, N.C., '''Indexing Books''' [2] (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2005).
-O'Connor, B.C., Kearns, J., and Anderson, R.L., '''Doing Things with Information: Beyond Indexing and Abstracting''' (Santa Barbara, Ca.: Libraries Unlimited, 2008).
-Smith, S.L., and Kells, K., '''Inside Indexing: The Decision-Making Process''' (Oregon: Information Today, 2005). [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0977103501]]
-Stauber, D.M., '''Facing the Text: Content and Structure in Book Indexing''' (Oregon: Cedar Row Press, 2004). [[amazon.com:http://www.amazon.com/dp/0974834505]]
-Wellisch, H.H., '''Indexing from A to Z''' [2] (, 1996).
-Wheatley, H.B., '''What is an Index? A Few Notes on Indexes and Indexers''' (London, 1878). Internet Archive: [[1:http://www.archive.org/details/whatisanindexaf00englgoog]] [[2:http://www.archive.org/details/whatisanindexaf00wheagoog]] [[3:http://www.archive.org/details/whatisanindexaf01wheagoog]] [[4:http://www.archive.org/details/whatisanindexaf02wheagoog]]
- --- '''How to Make an Index''' (New York, 1902). Internet Archive: [[1:http://www.archive.org/details/howtomakeaninde00wheagoog]] [[2:http://www.archive.org/details/howtomakeindex00wheauoft]]
-The University of Chicago Press, '''Indexes: A Chapter from the Chicago Manual of Style''' [16] (Chicago, 2010). [forthcoming]
-科学技術情報流通技術基準「索引作成」SIST 13([[科学技術振興事業団:http://sist-jst.jp]]、1992)[[html:http://sist-jst.jp/handbook/sist13/main.htm]] [[PDF:http://sist-jst.jp/pdf/SIST13.pdf]]

#amazon(0521689880,left,Browne and Jermey)
#amazon(0262110288,left,Knight Training)
#amazon(0040290026,left,Knight Art)
#amazon(1573873349,left,Leise et al. [pbk])
#amazon(0226552764,left,Mulvany [hbk])
#amazon(1591585775,left,O'Connor et al. [pbk])
#amazon(082420882X,left,Wellisch [hbk])
#amazon(1141003562,left,Wheatley What is [pbk])
#amazon(0559193890,left,Whealey What is [pbk])
#amazon(1117219321,left,Wheatley How to [hbk])
#amazon(111721933X,left,Wheatley How to [pbk])
#amazon(1151352616,left,Wheatley How to [pbk])
#amazon(0226836142,left,Chicago [forthcoming])

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