
*Mycenaean(ミュケーナイ・ギリシア語) [#t1de98e8]

**校訂本 [#b4bed79f]

***KH (Khania) [#w45923d3]

-Godart, L., et Tzedakis Y., `Les nouveaux textes en linéaire B de La Canée', '''RFIC''' 119 (1991), 129--149.
-Hallager, E., Vlasakis, M., and Hallager, B.P., `The First Linear B Tablet(s) from Khania', '''Kadmos''' 29 (1990), 24--34.
- --- --- --- `New Linear B Tablets from Khania', '''Kadmos''' 31 (1992), 61-–87.

***KN (Knossos) [#nc65705c]

-Chadwick, J.,  et al. (eds), '''Corpus of Mycenaean: Inscriptions from Knossos''' Vol.I (1--1063) (Roma--Cambridge, 1986). [[Google Books:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=fdyxXfeX6gIC]]
- --- --- '''Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos''' Vol.II (1064--4495) (Roma--Cambridge, 1990). [[Google Books:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=jKJOAAAAIAAJ]]
- --- --- '''Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos''' Vol.III (5000--7999) (Roma--Cambridge, 1998). [[Google Books:]]
- --- --- '''Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos''' Vol.IV (8000--9947) (Roma--Cambridge, 1998). [[Google Books:http://books.google.co.jp/books?id=KO6T82zI8noC]]
-Firth, R.J., `A Review of the Find-places of the Linear B Tablets from the Palace of Knossos', '''Minos''' 35--36 (2000--2001), 63--290.
- --- and Melena, J.L., `Identifying the Linear B Tablets from the Arsenal and Little Palace at Knossos', in J. Bennet and J. Driessen (eds), '''A-NA-QO-TA: Studies Presented to J.T. Killen''', 107--133. = '''Minos''' 33--34 (1998--1999).
- --- --- `The Knossos Tablets: Genesis of the 5000-Series',  '''Minos''' 35--36 (2000--2001), 315--355.
-Melena, J.L., `Some Thoughts on the Origin of Knossos Fragments Found in 1984 at the Herakleion Museum', in Deger-Jalkotzy, S., Hiller, S., und Panagl, O. (Hgg.), '''Floreant studia Mycenaea: Akten des X. Internationalen Mykenologischen Colloquiums in Salzburg vom 1.---5. Mai 1995''' (Wien, 1999), 363--387.

#amazon(0521320232,left,Corpus 1064--4495)
#amazon(0521320240,left,Corpus 5000--7999)
#amazon(0521320259,left,Corpus 8000--9947)

***PY (Pylos) [#q6b1f5b3]

-Bennett, E.L., and Olivier, J.-P. (eds), '''The Pylos Tablets Transcribed''' (Roma, 1973--76). ['''PTT''']

***TH (Thebai) [#g4486e42]

-'''Thèbes: Fouilles de la Cadmée'''
--[I] Aravantinos, V.L., Godart, L., et Sacconi, A. (éds), '''Thèbes: Fouilles de la Cadmée, I, Les tablettes en linéaire B da la Odos Pelopidou''' (Pisa, 2001). [[Libraweb:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=422&valore=sku]] [[amazon.it:http://www.amazon.it/dp/8881472287]]
--[II.2] Andrikou, E., Aravantinos, V.L., Godart, L., Sacconi, A., et Vroom, J. (éds), '''Thèbes: Fouilles de la Cadmée, II.2, Les tablettes en linéaire B da la Odos Pelopidou''' (Pisa, 2006). Libraweb: [[hbk:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=2172&valore=sku]] [[pbk:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=423&valore=sku]] amazon.it: [[hbk:http://www.amazon.it/dp/888147395X]] [[pbk:http://www.amazon.it/dp/8881473968]]
--[III] Aravantinos, V.L., Godart, L., et Sacconi, A. (éds), '''Thèbes: Fouilles de la Cadmée, III, Corpus des Documents d’Archives en linéaire B de Thèbes (1-433)''' (Pisa, 2002). Libraweb: [[hbk:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=1917&valore=sku]] [[pbk:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=424&valore=sku]] amazon.it: [[hbk:http://www.amazon.it/dp/8881473542]] [[pbk:http://www.amazon.it/dp/8881473011]]
--[IV] Aravantinos, V.L., Godart, L., et Sacconi, A. (éds), '''Thèbes: Fouilles de la Cadmée, IV, Les textes de Thèbes (1-433)''' (Pisa, 2005). Libraweb: [[hbk:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=2119&valore=sku]] [[pbk:http://www.libraweb.net/result1.php?chiave=2118&valore=skue]] amazon.it: [[hbk:http://www.amazon.it/dp/8881474212]] [[pbk:http://www.amazon.it/dp/8881474344]]

***TI (Tiryns) [#a0b79d78]

-Melena, J.L., and Olivier, J.-P. (eds), '''TITHEMY. The Tablets and Nodules in Linear B from Tiryns, Thebes and Mycenae''' (Salamanca, 1991).

**フォント [#r46896bc]

線文字Bを含む Unicode 対応の OpenType フォントには、次のページの Aegean があります(Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts - George Douros のリンク)。


**リンク [#f525c9fc]

-[[Diccionario micénico - Página principal:http://www.cervantesvirtual.com/portal/diccionariomicenico/]]
-[[Linear B - MNANON:http://lila.sns.it/mnamon/index.php?page=Scrittura&id=20&lang=en&PHPSESSID=2f48d9a6613b4a746bbb6c73b97db1e2]]
-[[Program in Aegean Scripts and Prehistory (PASP):http://www.utexas.edu/research/pasp/smida.html]]
-[[Nestor - Department of Classics ath the University of Cincinnati:http://classics.uc.edu/nestor/]]
-[[The Linear B Tablets and Mycenaean Organization Bibliography:http://projectsx.dartmouth.edu/classics/history/bronze_age/lessons/bib/25bib.html]]


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