アリストパネース『騎士』(Aristophanes, Equites)†
- Blaydes, F.H.M. (ed.), Aristophanis Equites (London, 1882). Internet Archive
- Bothe, F.H. (ed.), Aristophanis Equites (Lipsiae, 1829). Google Books: 1 2
- Leeuwen, J. van (ed.), Aristophanis Equites (Leiden, 1900). Internet Archive: 1 2 3
- Mitchell, T. (ed.), The Knights of Aristophanes (London, 1820). Google Books
- Paduano, G. (a cura di), Aristofane: I cavalieri (Milano, 2009). BUR
- Sommerstein, A. H. (ed. & tr.), Aristophanes: Knights (Warminster, 1981). amazon: hbk pbk
- Velsen, A. von (ed.), Aristophanis Equites (Lipsiae, 1897). Internet Archive