
*参考文献(2016年ホメーロス読書会!) [#a0d66072]

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#amazon(2252035862,left,Chantraine Grammaire i)
#amazon(2252039442,left,Chantraine Grammaire ii)
#amazon(3110083876,left,Hansen CEG I)
#amazon(3110118378,left,Hansen CEG II)
#amazon(1853995991,left,Probert Guide)
#amazon(0199279608,left,Probert Ancient)
#amazon(0198150881,left,Pulleyn Prayer)
#amazon(0198721862,left,Pulleyn Iliad)
#amazon(9042006692,left,van de Laar [hbk])

**略号一覧 [#sb4f7859]

-'''''LIV'''²'': Rix, '''Lexikon der indogermanischen Verben'''²

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